Ken Starr Again
June 21, 1999
I could have sworn we had seen the last of this distasteful little weasel, but apparently we have not. This tin-eared Javert still scours the sewers of Washington, D.C. looking for a way to wound Bill Clinton. He may torpedo Hillary's campaign, but , if I may switch metaphors, I think it is more like that this wrong-way Corrigan will issue what he believes to be a damning report, smack in the middle of Hillary's campaign. Here's my prediction: like everything else the man has done, the report will be a ham-handed blatantly political document based on flimsy evidence. Its nature will be so obvious that anyone with half a brain--which is to say, everyone to the left of Genghis Khan or Tom Delay--will see it for what it really will be: a desperate smear by the front man of the right-wing Get Clinton conspiracy. The only way it could possibly hurt her would be if she were running in a Republican primary, which, thank God, she isn't. The sympathy backlash will carry her right into the Senate.
The irony will be delicious: Sen. Hillary Clinton, elected on the back of the last gasp of Kenneth Starr. Now if we can just the GOP to nominate Dan Quayle, we've got it made.