Lasusa Links, Dan Grobstein File
September 11, 2006
As a Firesign Theater fan, I love this item, which probably just indicates that really talented movie producers and directors with excellent taste are Firesign fans who hire Proctor for character parts:
Remarkably, Phil Proctor comes in at #9 on the "All Time Top 100 Stars at the Box Office", right after Bruce Willis and before - John Ratzenberger? $2.6 billion in grosses for Phil's 24 films! An average of over $100 million per film! And he's #5 on stars with the most $100 million+ grossing films: (Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is only #23)
Tom Lasusa and his friends, cruising the net so you don't have to: Why drink soda and eat fried food when you can cut out the middle man?… Two Yahoos stumble upon the beach set of "Lost." There's no Guards -- so no problem… Lucky Russians!… Deadbeat Superhero Dads… holy crap! Jesus Was Jewish!?!?! Where've I been?… Computer Programmer or Serial Killer?… The Bear Guys Are they or aren't they? Hell, I wouldn't ask them… stay with me...listen to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Symphony No. 40 in G minor, 1st movement, 1st theme. performed by guy on rollerblades. just go watch…. And I thought the night sky view at our annual campsite was impressive… Amazing video -- Hippo tries to save an antelope from a croc… Retro Atari keychains that contain actual games… McDonald's wins five-year legal battle against tiny Malaysian eatery called "McCurry." Persuades judge that passers-by might confuse spicy fish-head curries and tandoori chicken with Big Macs… Geeky Tshirts for your little ones… The Worst Analogies Ever Written in a High School Essay …Man, I hope there is more intelligent life out there than the sorry bunch we have here
Dan Grobstein File
- NATIONAL | September 5, 2006
To Give Children an Edge, Au Pairs From China
The last two years have seen an increase in the number of au pairs from China in the United States.