The Insurance Industry: idiots or jerks?
Me and my nano

BPP: Best radio program you've never heard

Someone at NPR took a look at the demographics for its wildly successful news shows and noticed that everyone's getting older--not a good omen for the future (it's worse in newspapers, where the median reader age rises by a year every year--a truly scary statistic). So, they've created a trendy, with-it morning news show, "The Bryant Park Project." It's terrific. It's clever, and lively, and would skew young if anyone carried it. But Morning Edition is the most popular program on radio, so why would anyone drop it for BPP? It is on very few terrestrial radio stations, and even on them it is often relegated to 4am. It can also be heard on satellite radio. And, thank goodness for me, you can get it as a podcast (see Paul's Podcasts). You've already missed the first male co-host, Luke Burbank, recruited out from Seattle whence he is returning. Here are some links: an article about the program, reaction as reported to public radio station KCPW, and a precise description of who NPR thinks they need to host it.