Laton on Daily Show, Amazing "On Notice Board," Dan Grobstein File
February 15, 2008
This is what the Internet was invented for: Create Your Own On Notice Board. Thank you, Dan Grobstein!
Check out Laton McCartney on the Daily Show. Teapot Dome never looked more interesting.
Dan Grobstein File
- Quote from Nancy Nall Derringer:
I’ve always wondered how the downturn in newspapers’ fortunes is playing out in Europe, particularly the U.K., which publishes the liveliest papers in the English-speaking world. Give a smart writer a simple assignment — a general piece on men’s underwear — and watch her run:
Come the Renaissance, as the chausses became tight hose, the braies got shorter and were fitted with a convenient flap for urinating through. That buttoned or tied flap – the earliest codpiece – wasn’t actually covered by outer layers, so Henry VIII, never one for modesty, began to pad his. Historians have suggested that beneath Henry’s appendage may have been hidden the medication-soaked bandages needed to relieve the symptoms of his syphilis. Men free of venereal disease, meanwhile, used the tumescent codpieces as a handy pocket. ("New World cigarette?" "Ah, not for me, my lord, no.")
Among the things I learned from that article, besides the disgusting one about Henry VIII’s syphilis: Brit slang for undies includes "smalls," "y-fronts" and just plain "pants" (distinguished from trousers). Also, "there is one delicate area of pant advancement where men are not yet ready to go – universal package sizing." Because no man wants to go into a department store and be spotted buying the masculine equivalent of a 32A.
- Corn ethanol is just a big boondoggle and it turns out it's actually bad for the environment (besides raising food prices). though I guess the more you burn, the less is available to add corn syrup to everything we eat.
One of the studies concluded that use of corn-based ethanol produces twice as much greenhouse gas emissions as regular gasoline over a 30-year period, and only becomes carbon neutral after 167 years.
- quote:
I'm not fully sold on Obama. But his skill as a rhetorician alone is not to be underestimated, particularly in the service of a good cause. Reagan simply went over the heads of Congress and the media.