End July 14 Column
Brick Lane

Legal music, Amma in NYC, Dan Grobstein File

My friend David Strom has posted A grown-up’s guide to legal music downloads.

Daniel Dern reminds me that Amma is in the Big Apple:


Dan Grobstein File

  • An interesting explanation of Obama's FISA vote:

    Because Obama voted for the FISA bill, it suddenly becomes a win-win.
    WTF am I talking about? Here we go.
    Win #1: If any of the above happens (and at least one will), he can prove a point: that Bush - with the tool he desperately wanted - still couldn't stop it. It will obviously need to be retooled, or even blown up and rewritten from scratch under President Obama.
    But here's the bigger take-away, which is Win #2: John McCain didn't even vote.
    With me now? With the scary specter of al Qaeda hanging over America, Mr. Strong On National Security wouldn't even cast a vote on such a pivotal bill. Suddenly, Obama has his ace in the hole. He voted to protect America while McCain pulled a no-show.
    Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, there's your dream campaign ad - signed, sealed, delivered, and ready for the October Surprise.