Political Briefs
End July 21 Column

Songs of the Bushmen

Bushmen_CoverImage Harry Shearer, who hosts Le Show, the best weekly public radio program you've never heard, has accumulated a number of his biting satiric songs about members of the Bush cabinet and turned them into a CD entitled "Songs of the Bushmen." The press release calls it a "savage and poignant musical satire." I know this, because the PR agency knew from my column that I'm a big Harry Shearer fan, so they sent me the picture, and the press release, and some sample tracks (I believe in full disclosure). I would have written about the CD anyway, but this a) reminded me to do so and b) gave me some good talking points. I am familiar with almost all of these songs, because Harry uses them first on his program. They are witty, original and devastating. Think Weird Al Yankovic, but with (mostly) original tunes, and a political point of view. If you've often thought it was long past time to make fun of Powell, Bush, Rove, Rumseld and Scooter, this is the CD for you. The song "935 Lies," is, by itself, worth the price of admission. Its available in stores (are there any more record stores?) and on Amazon, as well as being downloadable, legally, almost everywhere.

I am feeling extra good about Shearer and Le Show because I submitted an item for apologies of the week which got used on the show. A tip of the PSACOT chapeaux to Harry!