Convention Week News
August 28, 2008
- As U.S. Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) said: When McCain agreed with GWBush 90% of the time (over the last 7 years) that's not a maverick; that's a sidekick.
- The Iraqis really do want us out
- Ron Fournier, AP Washington Bureau Chief, McCain Flack. Run a Google check on Fournier, and see just how deep in the pocket of the right this man is.
- Sleep-Walking Through 3 AM Call?
- McCain Advisor Scheunemann Lobbied Against Bill to Keep Guns From Terrorists
- McCain used pseudonym on government papers
- Michael Dukakis on CBS News, after describing George Bush's tenure as the worst administration in his lifetime:
"Look, I owe the American people an apology. If I had beaten the old man you'd of never heard of the kid and you wouldn't be in this mess. So it's all my fault and I feel that very, very strongly. So this is an important election for us. Let me tell 'ya."
- If anyone thinks this is a garden party, think again. Karl came to play. While there were signs of new attention to detail and putting Sidekick McSame on the defensive, some are inquiring whether the party is again bringing a knife to a gunfight. Someone once said "war is the continuation of politics by violent means." That saying probably must be re-worked to something like:
a. "Politics practiced by unindicted co-conspirator Richard Nixon, Charles ("Walk All Over My Grandmother") Colson, the felon Spiro Agnew, and their student, the as of this writing unindicted Karl Rove, is the deliberate infliction of violence on the U.S. Constitution and the civil rights of those minority citizens against whom Rove discriminates." or
b. "Rove's political practices defile the Constitution."
c. "Rove's political practices debase and degrade America." - Richard Schiff, aka Toby Ziegler of "The West Wing," has an established record as a Biden supporter.
- Jerusalem Post: Israel unlikely to berate Russia. Another democracy appears to refuse to support the McSame/ Cheney/ Lieberman/ Graham line.
- McCain ad questioned as word 'HANG' appears over image of Barack Obama
- Pathetic Democratic attack on Obama readiness
- Rove Versus Lieberman: Rove Tried To Kill Lieberman As VP Pick