Political Briefs
January 25, 2009
- What was in those boxes in Cheney's office that he couldn't let someone else carry them out of his office?
- Caroline Kennedy has dropped out of the running for the New York senate seat.
- My dad, a school bus driver, went to work on Inauguration Day and noticed a black co-worked was wearing a suit for the first time. "Pride," he said.
- Is GOP Still A National Party?
- Nationalization of Banks? Citi, Gov’t Agreement Already Provides for Partial Takeover
- Merrill Execs Pay Selves Bonuses Ahead of Schedule (and Before BofA Closing)
- Conyers Hits Newsweek As "Glib" And "Cynical" (the magazine characterized his investigation of Bush-era war crimes as the "politics of vengeance." How about the politics of accountability? The politics of morality? Remind me, what was Nuremberg about?)
- Much ado about almost nothing: White House exempts YouTube from privacy rules
- Freed Gitmo prisoner sues U.S. for unlawful detention. Let's see, say $10M per year for 7 years for 500 unauthorized people is only $35B; George and Dick can take it out of the gnomish account and Dick's options.
- Trading high-speed rail for tax cuts. I hate this. I want high-speed rail in California before I'm dead!
- Advice for John "Fumblemouth" Roberts
- SNL Web Exclusive: Ann Coulter On Weekend Update
- Obama at the Lincoln Memorial
- We all make mistakes: Obama: I 'always thought' Bush was a 'good guy'
- Obama Defense Picks Hint at Gates’ Influence
- Problems with "no lobbyist" rules already
- Russell Tice Confirms Everything We’ve Surmised About Bush’s Illegal Wiretap Program
- Alito Snubs Obama. If only being an asshole was an impeachable offense. But then we knew he was an asshole when he was appointed.
- Obama Drafts Order To Close Gitmo; Suspends Habeas Cases In DC Circuit
- About Aretha's Hat (among other things)
- DeFazio Smacks Larry Summers for Being "Anti-Infrastructure"
- Mommy — Barack’s Not Playing Nice! Bush Staffers Gripe About Inaugural Speech
- Why Bankrupty Reform Is Needed In the Stimulus Bill
- "I Won": On Day 4, President Obama Confronts the Limits of Bipartisanship
- While He’s Washing, Watch Him
- Russ Feingold: A Great Start to Restoring the Rule of Law
- Does Israel fear its friends more than its enemies?
- Iran in scramble for fresh uranium supplies
- A new day in the Department of Education: You Can Call Me Arne
- Former Bush Speechwriter: Obama Is "Most Dangerous Man Ever To Occupy Oval Office"
- John Thain's Top Ten Greatest Moments. Also: The Thundering Herd Laid Low: A Merrill Lynch Timeline
- A Loyal Bushie Burrows Into Obama's System
- The Media's Role In The Financial Crisis. That is, the role it didn't play, but should have.
- Track Obama's compliance with his promises