Neal Vitale Reviews: Management
May 31, 2009
2 stars out of 5
Writer and first-time director Stephen Belber has created a sweet but simple-minded film in Management. This is a story we've all seen before - a socially awkward young man (Steve Zahn) comes into contact with an attractive young woman (Jennifer Aniston) and, however implausibly, sex and ultimately love ensue. Management has its appealing elements - Zahn the naif is charming. the soundtrack has a heavy dose of New Pornographers tunes, Woody Harrelson is a goofy punk-rocker-turned-organic-yogurt-magnate, and one scene nicely recalls John Cusack's boom-box Peter Gabriel serenade in Say Anything - but there aren't enough to elevate it above the pedestrian. [Ed. note: I saw it too, and might have given it 3 stars, but I'll not quibble with Neal's assessment. It is a nice star turn for Anniston.]