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Neal Vitale Reviews: Management

Neal Vitale Reviews (on DVD): Nothing But The Truth

3.5 stars out of 5

Knowing Paul's fascination with journalism films, I was interested to find that this late 2008 release had eluded him. Though Nothing But The Truth technically had a theatrical opening just prior to last Christmas (2 screens, with a gross of just over $3,000), it essentially went straight to video. This route is nnormally not a good sign for a film but, in this case, it was apparently due to the financial woes of its distributor. Which is a shame, as this is a very watchable, pulled-from-the-headlines story, modeled after the legal entanglements of New York Times reporter Judith Miller that ensued from her protecting the confidentiality of sources in the Valerie Plame case. Nothing But The Truth was written and directed by critic-turned-filmmaker Rod Lurie (The Contender) and, while it breaks little new ground, it is well-crafted and well-paced, with a nice twist at the end. The cast features solid, established talent like Alan Alda, Matt Dillon, Angela Bassett, David Schwimmer, and Noah Wyle. Standouts are Kate Beckinsale (Pearl Harbor, Van Helsing, The Aviator) as the reporter under durress at the center of the storm, and Vera Farmiga (The Departed, The Boy In The Striped Pajamas) as the government operative. A film very much worth putting in your Netflix queue.