The Lack of Personal Entries
June 28, 2009
Well, you might say to yourself, Paul's on summer vacation, so of course he'll be having lots of adventures to share with the 90 or so of us who glance at this blog now and then. So it would seem. But in fact, job one each summer is to clear off the nine-month accumulation of backed up projects and filing that I don't get to during the school year. And I do so enjoy the opportunity to catch up on my reading. And I have a lot of travel this summer, some of which requires advance planning (Portland and LA), and some of which requires homework (my week in Boston at the NEH program on the Lowell Mills). I did manage to separate out five years of old transactions from our accounting program, and eliminate a bunch of unused categories, and cut my rolodex back from 1800 entries to 900 (and now I have to reload my iPhone) by eliminating the dead, the useless and the forgotten. Lots more reading ahead (and I'll share the results with you), as well as news of my trips, and a reorganization of my journalism movies page. More anon!