The Time Traveler's Wife
School Begins Again

A Referendum We Should Support In Iraq, How Tough is Our President?

A Referendum We Should Support In Iraq

The U.S. Government should wholeheartedly support this manifestation of Jeffersonian Democracy. Otherwise, the reasonable conclusion is that the unprovoked, unconstitutional, and illegal attack was motivated by something other than a desire to encourage democracy. Given their support for supporting democracy in this particular case, can we expect George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Don Rumsfeld, George Tenet, Bob Gates, John McCain, Joe Lieberman, Sarah Palin, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Dick Lugar, Andy Card, Tom Daschle, Charles Schumer, Chris Dodd, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, John D. Rockefeller IV, Steny Hoyer, John Murtha, Tom Friedman, Judith Miller, and the editorial page of The Washington Post to support the referendum?
Iraqi Voters to Decide Whether to Speed U.S. Withdrawal


How Tough is Our President?

A better question is: How Willing Is Pres. Obama To Go To Bat For The American People Who Elected Him?

Is he willing today to dismiss every one of the Karl Rove approved US Attorneys and to appoint progressive judges to the 70 open federal judgeships for which he has not even made a nomination so Americans have a better chance of getting a fair shake in a court not run by a member of the Karl Rove/American Enterprise Institute inspired Federalist Society?

Is he willing to take a mere $50B (just a tiny fraction of the $9T made available to the big banks so they could stay in business and pay bonuses after running the American economy and banking system into the ground) and make available $25,000 apiece to 2,000,000 families so they can stave off foreclosure and stay in their homes.

Is he willing to use the substantial majorities in the Senate and House given to him by his employers to pass a law allowing first mortgages on a home to be the subject of a bankruptcy proceeding thus keeping people in their homes, off the streets, and giving them leverage (along with the $25,000 to be used in small increments monthly) to renegotiate mortgages with their banks?

Is he willing to ban gambling in all non-exchange traded derivatives so the banks and investment banks (all of which are now federally regulated at their request) can not again run the economy into the ground and then get bailed out again by the taxpayers?

Is he willing to direct the Justice Department (once he immediately fires all holdovers from the last administration) to restore competition and reasonable premiums to the health insurance markets nationwide by instituting civil antitrust lawsuits to break up the insurance monopolies (or duopolies) which in many states control 80-90% of each state market for health insurance?

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