This and That from Paul's Life: In Darfur, Podcasts, Alice, Sandler, Googled
Neal Vitale Reviews: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Nilsson on those darn virgins, Dern notes piano parody, Craig Reynolds Checks In, News with a Twist from Steve Coquet, Dan Grobstein File

You don't have to keep track of all the ads in the world, because someone else is already doing it.

Daniel Dern passed along Another recall--this time in the music world.

Chuck Carroll found a Firedoglake analysis of 18 Healthcare Myths.

Bob Nilsson wrote:

This commentary by Mike Konczal is sure to turn your stomach.
Some excerpts:
The financial industry poured $500 million into lobbying lawmakers on the new financial reform bill. And it was money well spent [for them, not us].
They derailed President Obama's idea of an independent agency to protect consumers from abusive financial products.
This law doesn't limit the size of the largest banks or the types of risks they can take.
This just emboldens the banks to keep taking financial risks while figuring taxpayers will pick up the tab.
There's only one clear winner here and that's the financial services industry.
Will there be a public outcry to remedy this?


This caught my eye this morning. While it sounds like a joke from The Onion, it is from a German Koranic scholar as quoted in today’s Boston Globe. Due to a mistranslation of the Koran, Islamic martyrs may be surprised to find they are rewarded with "white grapes" rather than heavenly virgins.

Craig Reynolds Checks In:

Steve Coquet writes:

We often expect a certain conclusion. We read a headline, and write the opening paragraph in our minds: we just "know" what comes next. So when I got to the second comma, I almost choked. See what you think.


Dan Grobstein File

  • Ebert tweet: Am I dreaming, or are Rightists way, way out in the lead on sex
    scandals? And are ALL the anti-gay zealots homosexual? And another one: Thanks, doc, for posting this sign. It says so much about you. My family jewels are safer elsewhere.