Political Briefs
April 04, 2010
- Contradicting Secretary Geithner: wrong on financial reform. Also Geithner Way Beyond His Highest Level Of Incompetence
- The Farce of the Obama-Dodd-Frank Financial Regulation, Just Enforce Current Law
Contrary To WashPost Error/Faux Reporting, Large Government Loss On Citi Investment - The War On Reality
"I used to think of all these stories about the crazy Texas School Board trying to alter history and science as separate from the right’s media takeover, and from the steady drone of climate denialism, but now I’m thinking they’re each just one side of the same four-dimensional coin. The right views information itself as a threat, and they’re doing everything they can to combat it and co-opt it." - Sen. Baucus Admits Health Care Bill He Delayed For Crucial Months Written For Him By Health Care Industry
- End of Special Relationship with Britain?
- Obama and Tony Soprano in Afghanistan
- Warrant? I don't need no stinkin' warrant.
Torture Roundup
- Obama Continues To Cover-Up Torture
- Possibly Innocent Man Tortured, Detained Needlessly for Eight Years
Massive intelligence failure; Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove, Lieberman, Specter, Clinton, Daschle, Feinstein, Harman, Boehner, Cantor wrong. - Tortured Man With Known Brain Damage
- No Evidence Tortured Man Knew Anything Useful