Letters: Walken Reunion, The Highwaymen, Reynolds checks in, Dalton on my Windows troubles, Dan Grobstein File
May 17, 2010
A friend writes: Here's an SNL clip I think you would enjoy- a Walken family reunion
Fellow MIT alum John Hanzel notes that the Highwaymen played MIT in the fall of 1963:
- ARTS | May 13, 2010
Dave Fisher, Member of the Highwaymen, Dies at 69
Mr. Fisher joined with four other freshmen at Wesleyan University to form the folk band, which became one of the most popular groups of the early 1960s.
Craig Reynolds checks in:
- New iPad commercial modeled after classic Newton commercial
- I really liked the showmanship used to demonstrate the speed of Chrome
- Richard Dalton writes about my Windows 7 complaints posted here last week:
But then, you did say you could always get a MacBook. And I have used Parallels Desktop for awhile that supports Windows application. My experience was that it ran everything I threw at it. Costs $79, but you can get it for a lot less in various venues.
If you stick with Win 7,
Dan Grobstein File
I love this story: Meet a new crop of anti-government House GOP candidates who also happen to be addicted to "Cash for Clunkers."
Dear TeePees: No need to tweet that you want me to die of cancer. You fought Health Care Reform. I got the message.
Josh reminds me: If we went back to what the Founding Fathers wanted, as Sarah Palin desires, she wouldn't be able to vote.
Fox News Caught In Massive Nielsen Ratings Fraud
Despite the running unease in world markets, four giants of American finance managed to make money from trading every single day during the first three months of the year.
Even in the Old West, patrons checked their weapons at the door. But some southern states are now pushing for guns in bars.
There is no good way to die, but Ray made the best of his last days.