Political Briefs
February 14, 2011
- The Decline Of Political Support For Popular Ideas
- How To Win Friends? If an alleged Pakistani diplomat connected to the Pakistani intelligence agency working in Chicago on the payroll of a private Pakistani company (and not listed as a diplomat in his government's most recent pre-incident list of accredited diplomats given to the U.S. State Department) shot and killed two employees of the CIA (or special agents of the FBI engaged in lawful surveillance) who were riding a motorcycle in traffic in Chicago and then colleagues from his consulate used a car to hit and kill a third Chicagoan at the scene of the first two killings, what do you expect the reaction would be from the U.S. government and the Chicago police? Discuss. Compare and contrast with the Pakistani handling of the Davis Affair.
- Right To Travel
- Returning soldiers having trouble
- Julian Assange case falling apart
- Derivatives: The Real Reason Bernanke Funnels Trillions Into Wall Street Banks
- What Did The Big Bank Executives Know And When Did They Know It?
- The Attack On American Jobs: American Flower Industry casualty of War On Drugs
- Lobbyists write fake letters in support of derivatives
- Dicta: Several $T Of Home Loans Not Secured By Homes
- Garbage In/ Garbage Out