Political Briefs
A Trip to Ashland

Byte Rises Again, Updated

Extremely long-time readers will recall I once edited Byte.com. With the turnover at what used to be CMP, almost no executives remain who remember my era (several of them forgot it the week after they laid me off). I was sent a link to an article at Folio, a commercial web site that covers the media business, and instead of swallowing my tongue, I asked them if they were interested in the fact that Gina Smith's Byte.com was the second revival. They were, and I proceeded to provide the facts, which TJ Raphael used to update her story. I'm sure the CMP executive, Mr. Berlind, didn't know about the first Byte revival, and didn't ask anyone (there are, to my certain knowledge, two people who report to him who could have told him, had he asked). Of course, when you're trying to sell people the sizzle of the "exciting new steak" you rarely want to remind them of the "steak we started taking off the table 10 years ago," through a combination of reduced resources and, eventually neglect (yeah, I know the analogy breaks down).

The new Byte, by the way, may be having some teething problems in terms of editing and quality control. I am pretty sure we never had to pull an article back this thoroughly.