Helen Thomas, Scot Free, Lorem Ipsum, Death of Journalism, Trouble in Paradise, Dan Grobstein File


3.5 stars out of 5
Retired, Extremely Dangerous (RED) 2 is based on a comic book, not too long, and featuring actors with some mileage who are not treated as fossils, including two women. The cast: Bruce Willis, John Malkovich, Mary-Louise Parker, Helen Mirren, Anthony Hopkins, and Catherine Zeta-Jones (a three-scene cameo, but we get to see her in a Russian general's uniform).  Mirren is brilliant, everyone else is good peddling their standards wares, but Anthony Hopkins steals the movie, as he has so many times before. His character has quite a character arc, and it is fun to watch Hopkins in complete control of the roller coaster ride. Things blow up, things fall down, people are shot mercilessly at point blank range, and Bruce Willis beats seven much younger men in a gun battle. The bad guys all die  and (spoiler alert!) only one of the good guys does. Entertaining.