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I muse on How I'd Like To Be Remembered

Macbeth (2015)

5 stars out of 5

If you read and listen widely, as I do, you will have heard some mixed reviews of Macbeth, an art film in limited released directed by Justin Kurzel and starring Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard. This despite a 79/70 score from Rotten Tomatoes. Well, I'm here to tell you that it was well-acted, beautifully photographed and sensitively cut. Yes, I missed "toil and trouble," (as I missed "do you bite your thumb at me, sir?" in a CalShakes Romeo and Juliet), but a"tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing," which I once tried (and failed) to memorize in grade school. The movie is two hours, the play two and a half, so they cut about 20%. Some of the scenes were a little gory for my taste, but this is a must see. Since Amazon co-produced the film, look for it soon on Amazon Instant Video.