This and That
BLM at Trump Tower

Holding My Heart

Apologies to those of you who have already seen this in an email or two. You can skip to the next item—except there’s a new Youtube version.

I paid a freelance musician (who has asked to remain anonymous) to set the words of one of my love poems to music. People say it’s beautiful; including even some people not related to me. If you like it, please plug the heck out of it on social media, a universe in which I have zero visibility.

I'd love it if lots of people heard it. This song is royalty-free, although credit for the lyrics is always appreciated.

There are two versions

One is more song-like, with a hook:

It is also on YouTube

The other is simpler:

Here are the lyrics:

Holding my Heart

If you have a preference, let me know.


Here’s a list of the sources of the images in the YouTube video:


Here are some reviews from friends and strangers:

“It touched my heart.”

“It is beautiful!”

“Good Lord, Paul. That sounds really good.  Nice work all around.”

“I thoroughly enjoyed your song and I found myself humming the tune. Heartfelt.”

“How very beautiful this is, Paul! Thank you so much for sharing. It truly brought tears to my eyes."


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