Holding My Heart
June 22, 2020
Apologies to those of you who have already seen this in an email or two. You can skip to the next item—except there’s a new Youtube version.
I paid a freelance musician (who has asked to remain anonymous) to set the words of one of my love poems to music. People say it’s beautiful; including even some people not related to me. If you like it, please plug the heck out of it on social media, a universe in which I have zero visibility.
I'd love it if lots of people heard it. This song is royalty-free, although credit for the lyrics is always appreciated.
There are two versions
One is more song-like, with a hook:
It is also on YouTube
The other is simpler:
Here are the lyrics:
If you have a preference, let me know.
Here’s a list of the sources of the images in the YouTube video:
Here are some reviews from friends and strangers:
“It touched my heart.”
“It is beautiful!”
“Good Lord, Paul. That sounds really good. Nice work all around.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed your song and I found myself humming the tune. Heartfelt.”
“How very beautiful this is, Paul! Thank you so much for sharing. It truly brought tears to my eyes."