Sam Patch: How desperate would you have to be?
Help with Unrequited Crushes

Movie Review:  5 Flights Up

Someone who reads this blog told me about the movie 5 Flights Up. I can’t remember who. Stand up and take credit for adding 90 minutes of gentle joy to my life and that of my wife.

The film stars two of my favorite actors, Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman, acting their age and in an age-appropriate relationship, as a pair of New Yorkers caught in the real estate whirl. I doubt it even played San Francisco; its box office was $2 million and I wasn’t so busy in the spring of 2015 that I would have missed it.

My hat’s off to either or both screenwriter Charlie Peters and the author of the book Heroic Measures by Jill Climent. Whichever of them created a pair of real people in real love speaking real dialog to each other, deserves more fame than they got for this work.


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