This and That
Clare Horner Aphorisms 2

Political Briefs

A former colleague at UPI wrote this great blog post: Trump AWOL on Coronavirus as well as a good one on Trump’s Fake News.

I am pleasantly reminded of Murphy Brown Vs. Dan Quayle by this snippet, brought to my attention by Daniel Dern: Marge Simpson Speaks Out on Name Calling.

These tweets make sense to me:

As I’ve said previously, the opposing nominee’s campaign should consult with a team of psychologists and psychiatrists to figure out how to do precisely this. It shouldn’t be too hard to trigger the final meltdown.

The Hoarse Whisperer


Prominent Democrats should be pushing Trump’s buttons every single day. Letting him build up a head of steam is a complete failure. He is an insanely insecure man. Prominent Dems should be poking at his insecurities every single day.


And then there is this think piece:

Trump - Messiah, Donkey, or Armageddon? By Shlomo  Ben Ami, a former Israeli foreign minister.


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