This and That
September 20, 2020
More on protecting our elections. Definitely worth a read.
Daniel Dern notes: How To Make a Blockbuster Movie Trailer
From Angels’ Daily Message: “If you awaken with bitter thoughts about a time you felt mistreated, turn immediately to being aware of God’s Love that was there for you then, and is here for you right now, and will always be supporting you and flowing to you.”
I belong to a chat group of former UPI reporters, which brought me this gem: “And one final thought: When I first discussed this column with North Coast Journal staff, I asked if I could use the F-word. They said they love the F-word, so no problem. But in three years I haven't had a need -- until now. To whoever shot that otter in the head. Fuck you.”
You may want to browse other Kelly columns. This column convinces me he likes the ocean almost as much as I do.
Thank you, Janis Ulevich: