Some Thoughts on Love
October 18, 2020
Two great ideas about Love from the Daily Calm meditation app recently. First, a quotation:
“I do not want to have you to fill the empty parts of me. I want to be full on my own. I want to fill so complete I could light a whole city and then I want to have you cause the two of us combined could set it on fire”
― Rupi Kaur
Meditation leader Tamara Levitt also recommended The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein. A triangle is looking for the perfect love; she meets a Pac-Man (which, as you’ll recall, has a triangle shaped cutout for a mouth). Together, they could make a perfect circle. Instead, they decide to roll next to each other. That is difficult for a triangle, but eventually her edges get worn off and they roll together.
At a tumultuous time in my life, when I was a triangle looking for a Pac-man, a good friend told me, “Learn to love yourself and live with yourself first, then you’ll have something to give to a relationship.” He was right. I found my circle, and have spent 40 years wearing off my sharp points until I am a circle rolling along next to her. Of course, sometimes she had to shave them off…
On careful consideration, it seems to me a better analogy is jigsaw pieces. In my first three relationships, there were many matching loops and sockets, but there also some tabs that didn’t fit in slots. Then, with Vicki, I discovered that, together, we fit together completely and made a perfect cornerpiece for stable life together.
I have long wondered what I said or how I presented to Vicki the night we met that impressed her. I have never been handsome or athletic or suave, but somehow, she saw past all that. Yes, it was our minds, but it was more than that.
She says it wasn’t anything I said, it was my vibe. “You seemed to be stable and ready for a relationship.”
I now choose to interpret that impression as being cast by my aura or my life force. I also believe we fell for each other so quickly because we were just picking up where we left off in a previous life. In any case, yes, I realize (as Vicki has pointed out) that there’s no longer any point in trying to figure out what it was. Whatever it was worked. Well, yes.