Finding Beaumont Music Teacher Miss Wilson/Mrs. Olson
February 26, 2023
Once again, I’m going to try to find (and thank) my amazing 6th-grade music teacher, Miss Wilson of Portland, Oregon’s Beaumont Elementary, 64-65 school year. She was amazing and created a lifelong love of music.
I’m pretty clever, but I have not even been able to learn her first name for certain. Or even her last; I don’t do Facebook, but it appears someone there thinks the music teacher that year was Mrs. Olson.
All I know is that I still sing songs from Oliver and The Music Man she taught us. I am pretty sure it was NOT Mrs. Olsen, because I was able to reach Mr. Nakvasil, who said he dated her; unlikely if she was a Mrs. He thought her first name might be Nancy, but he might have been thinking of the famous singer, not the elementary teacher. The state teachers retirement fund and the school district were no help.
The band teacher: can’t remember his name, lit no fire. Miss Wilson: the fire still burns.
Of course she’d be in her 90s by now, and is probably long gone. But if not, I’d love to let her know of her lasting impact on at least one of her students. Who knows, maybe they have the Internet in heaven and she’ll find this when she Googles herself.
The school didn't have a yearbook? Does the school still exist?
Posted by: Robert E. Malchman | February 28, 2023 at 11:01 AM
The school does still exist. Yearbooks were informal and infrequently issued; there is no archive
Sent from my iPhone
Posted by: pschindler | February 28, 2023 at 11:24 AM