This and That
Start of Feb. 19 Column. More or Less Continuous News Service since 1998

My Granddaughter: Infatuated

At this moment she is infatuated with Ajji and Abba (grandparents) She says Abba, Abba, Abba, or Ay-ah, Ay-ah, Ay-ah (her best effort at Ajji ) even though her mom shows her pictures of us. She insists she will either not eat breakfast or not get dressed until she sees us in a video call. It is fun and funny, for us anyway. We appreciate the obsession, since we know you’ll outgrow it.

She also just learned to say poop, because she was being asked about her diarrhea.


Robert E. Malchman

If I may ask, what is the etymology of Abba and Ajji (and is it properly pronounced "Ah-Zhi" or "Ah-G" or something else)?

My son, who has three sets of grandparents, has Granny, Grandma, and Bubbe, plus (respectively) Grandad, Grampa, and BG. "Bubbe" is Yiddish for grandmother. If I'm blessed to live long enough to have a grandchild, I'm torn between Grampa and Zayde (again, Yiddish).

Paul Schindler

The derivation is Marathi, the first language of my son-in-law's native Bombay

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