Granddaughter: Sharing/Calling
May 12, 2024
I love both my grandchildren, but to be honest it is easier to write about a five-year-old than a 22-month-old who can say two-word sentences. Having said that, there are at least two new behaviors worth recording.
The first is an almost daily request for a video call with us, her grandparents. Some days, she refuses to eat until she gets the call.
That’s something a child couldn’t have asked for 50 years ago. In fact, with the price of long-distance being what it was in those days, a child was unlikely to get to speak to physically distant grandparents more than a few times a year.
Once the phone call commences, she immediately starts “sharing” her food: a sip of milk, a graham cracker, some yogurt are offered to the screen and loudly consumed on the other end.
This is not just telephonic; she does the same thing in person. With non-food items, she’ll share but then immediately take them back.