The Wisdom of Chairman Morrow
July 07, 2024
My friend and Computer Chronicles colleague George Morrow, with the assistance of his genius PR consultant Janis Ulevich, published a little red book of Sayings Of Chairman Morrow (Chairman Mao, get it?).
Many of the sayings remain relevant today. Chronicles expert S.M. Oliva noted this quote: “More money has been wasted in artificial intelligence than in any other area of computer technology. We're still not close to having any real idea or model of how the human brain works.”
On the occasion of Morrow Design’s bankruptcy in 1986, the New York Times picked up on two other quotes:
“'Being in the microcomputer business is like going 55 miles an hour three feet from a cliff.. If you make the wrong turn you're bankrupt so fast you don't know what hit you.”
And, “Computer companies are like desert flowers. They bloom overnight, and they're gone.”