Letter/Email of Thanks
August 25, 2024
I know of no one who doesn’t enjoy being thanked. If you’ve never written one of these, I suggest now is the time.
Mine went something like this:
“I found myself thinking of you. You streaked across my life like a comet, with a tail that sprinkled mitzvahs upon me. I want to thank you for a few of them:”
Be specific. List the ways the recipient blessed (or is still blessing) your life. Be as brief as you can.
Write it today.
Some good points to make (only if true)
Thanks for:
- Your friendship and good company.
- The time I was in need and you generously helped.
- The car you loaned me for a trip to Yosemite.
- The fun we had.
- That clever thing you did.
(ONCE AGAIN: ONLY IF TRUE) I suspect your effect on everyone in your life is similar; never doubt the world has been vastly improved by your presence.