Edwin Diamond Centenary
February 02, 2025
This year marks a century since the birth of Edwin “I’m Not A Professor” Diamond, the greatest single influence of my life, outside my family and the Usual Gang Of Idiots (inside joke). I don’t have his exact birth date, I just know it was in 1925. So this is his centenary year.
I am proud to say that if you Google “Edwin Diamond Obituary” my tribute to him is the fifth result and the first picture. The crack about “I’m not a professor” was his way of throwing shade on MIT, which refused him tenure (in part) because he didn’t have a Ph.D. As a result of this ill-advised decision, New York University was able to lure him away with tenure and the end of his weekly commute to Cambridge from his home in Manhattan. I presume at NYU he was Edwin “Call Me Professor” Diamond.
He will always be Ed to me. I still think of him regularly, 28 years after his death.