My Friend The CIA Agent
October 27, 2024
A half century ago, just before I found Vicki, I had a few dates with a woman named Lucy Kirk. “What do you do?” “I work for the government.”
It was the equivalent of “Where did you go to school?” “Cambridge.” The latter usually means Harvard, the former almost always meant the CIA (or the NSA), as it did in this case. Those rules have clearly loosened since 1977.
We got back in touch, and I reviewed her novel:
Poison Factory: Neither Pale, Stale nor Male. Just Terrific
Now her memoir (reviewed in more detail on my site, also on Amazon here):
We Already Have a Woman We Like: My Life in the CIA
A vivid and well-told story about the ways in which the CIA made life difficult for its first female agents. #Metoo problems existed a long time before #Metoo.