August 5, 1974
Arrived at 8:45 am, got brief tour from Paul Lloyd, who introduced me to everyone (immediately forgot everyone's name, will gradually relearn them, I hope).
Waited around for Ken Hoskins, who gave me the usual set of personnel and payroll forms to fill out. [James] Ragsdale's (buo chief) secretary brought out a form for me to sign, acknowledging that I am only a temporary employe (that's how they spell it at the wires).
My first assignment is to rewrite a story from yesterday that contains four congresspeople's opinions on impeachment. I am to poll the whole [Massachusetts] delegation. Ol' Norm [Sandler] gives me the numbers out of his official OTA congressional directory [Sandler was working at the congressional Office of Technology Assessment during the summer]. I am told by one person that there are 7, the almanac reveals 12. Norm knows most of them, corrects my pronunciation of Gerry Studds' name. I write a four-take [page] story.
Among other things, I have a soft lead, an overlong second graf, and I have failed to identify reps as to party. I do not cal Rep. Heckler Mrs. Heckler as preferred by Richard Buck the desk supervisor (AP rules same as OJ [Oregon Journal]; women get second reference [courtesy] title, usually Mrs. Or Miss. If given Ms., they must have a parenthetical "as she prefers to be known."
Jim [Ryan] on the radio wire, tells me that there are women reporters who will not type the titles. Sometimes they are added by the desk.
The [Wire Service] Guild [union] is obviously a sensitive topic, as is free-lancing. I ask Paul Lloyd about them both. He tells me to talk to Ragsdale about freelancing, says I don't have to join the Guild, but I can, and that Guild types will make themselves known to me. I guess he's either a) management or b) non-Guild. Oh yeah, he's apparently office manager for Ragsdale, judging from some memos on the wall.
Lunch at 12:30, after rewriting a Globe piece on Commr of Public Welfare Steven Minter.
After lunch, talk to congressman [Fr. Robert] Drinan (nice guy) and Cronin (a real nasty), claims the staff answered all my qs. Not true. Which reminds me, congressperson, spokesperson, chairperson, are not AP acceptable. Jim [Ryan] and I decide it's ungood to stand on a principle.
August 8, 1974
By mid-morning, clear Nixon will resign today. Stories moving all day long--apparently first break was Daily News story that speechwriters were working on resignation speech. [Nixon speechwriter] Rhodes said Nixon would resign today. Globe headlined second edition of evening paper with "President Nixon To Resign Tomorrow," and went on about his speech at 9 tonight.
Spent whole day on academia roundup beat, with occasional diversion into congressional reaction. Talked to J.K. Galbraith, very few other stars (oh yes, John P. Roche of TV Guide and Tufts, who called news "delightful.") as most on vacation until after Labor Day.
Made error in call to Harvard's [president] Bok, called office directly and ignored suggestion to call News Office. Ken Hoskins later told me to go through the news office first from now on, characterized them as "helpful." Also learned from yesterday's mistakes that first references are co. corp. reps. and gov.; must study style book.
August 15, 1974
Betty, news supervisor this shift, just gave me back a four-take baptism slug [one-word name of story] report for ayems [wire service slang for morning or AM newspapers], with the statement "Too much background, and I'm tired of the story. Move the news up and cut the length down."
The story only started on Monday, and by Thursday (admittedly eight stories later) the interest here is winding down.
[Boston-based birth control advocate Bill] Baird press conf at noon today, very crowded. Met Jack Borden, whom I met briefly when I was a tech [technician] at BZ [WBZ-TV, Boston]. Lights from TV (multi-stations and CBS there) made it a little hot. Not much news.
Broadcast [wire], working off pms [for afternoon or PM newspapers] story I didn't write overlooks some important qualifying paras [paragraphs] in the baptism story quotes from the archdiocese newspapers, says the church isn't backing the priests.
I thought, when the call came in, it was for me. Thank God it wasn't.