LinkedIn, of course, is just crowd-sourced content. It claims a billion members (most of whom don’t speak English). So, it is like the infinite monkeys at typewriters that will theoretically produce the works of Shakespeare (not). In this case, it produced some pretty good dad jokes.
* Engineers have made a car that can run on mint. Hopefully, they can make buses and trains run on thyme.
* It’s called gross pay because it’s disgusting to see how much money you would have made before taxes. (I know... should this be a trigger warning? LOL)
* An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, pub, tavern, public house, Irish pub, drinks, beer, alcohol place, drinking spot, place for beer, beer now.
* Which day do potatoes fear the most? Fryday.
* Why did the Apple Watch lose the fight to the grandfather clock? The clock had hands.
In particular, my former colleague Ian Gertler succeeded in making a joke I’ve been after for years, as I’ve frequently mocked Arnold’s pronunciation of his biggest catch phrase. A little shaggy, but worth the effort:
Sylvester Stallone said he wants to make a movie about classical music. He says, "I will be Beethoven."
Jean-Claude Van Damme says, "Okay, l'll be Mozart."
Arnold Schwarzenegger says, "I'll be Bach."