In no particular order, these are Jon Carroll cat columns that I have pointed at between this column’s Internet launch in late 1998, and the time Jon left the Chronicle in 2015. I am sure there are more; these are the only ones I have.
(Hear my Jon Carroll interview for Techweb)
Jon Carroll Life+Internet = News
Jan. 2013
August 2012
The fat cat and the scrawny cat
May 2012
Feb. 2012
April 2012
September 2012
Pancho the kitten has entered the ambush phase of his development
August 1999
October 1999
Sluts! Sluts! My Eyes Are Open!
The Story of Bucket, the Cat Who Wanted to Be a Real Cat
Jan 2007
The political opinions of cats (they're Republican)
March 2006
January 2006
June 2005
Archie and Bucket stayed away in droves.
March 2005
Feb. 2005
August 2004
November 2003
October 2003
August 2003
June 2003
June 2003
Bleak stares into the unending void
February 2003
Craven begging will get you somewhere
December 2002
August 2002
Could you please avert your eyes?
July 2002
Odd ecstatic behavior in the past cat month
May 2002
The arcane mysteries of purring
May 2002
February 2002
Escalation of domestic hostilities
November 2001
The little bug that wasn't there
April 2001
A delicate problem in a small room
January 2001
November 2001