I wrote the lyrics to 10 love poems for my wife: I paid a freelancer to set them to music and sing them.
You're The Only Woman Man Enough (To Bask In My Love)
Then I decided to sing them myself: Paul Sings Paul. A longer origin story as well as the lyrics. Sheet Music. You can listen to my half dozen parodies as well.
I never covered the freelancer version of two of my songs. There's Nothing I Wouldn't Do (If You Let Me Stay With You) is a love song. Bumps On The Road To Nirvana is a How Did I Get Here song suggested by Clark Smith: "All your songs are about your wonderful love. How did you get there?
If you only listen to a few love songs, listen to the Lyrics by Paul playlist on YouTube with the four best songs, sung by the freelancer who wrote the melodies for all my lyrics: If Offered A Choice, You're The Only Woman Man Enough (To Bask In My Love), Holding My Heart, Nothing I Wouldn't Do.
There is a 25-minute MP3 file of all the songs plus patter.
The easy way to get the songs? A YouTube playlist, Spotify (be sure to ask for Paul Sings Paul; otherwise you'll get the old versions of the songs, or possibly songs by the other Paul Schindler) and iTunes. Of course those methods cost.
Copy this URL into your podcast application, and you can download all 10 “episodes“ ; each a track of the album.
Go to this page and you can download the tracks as podcasts one by one .
I have also written a half dozen parodies
MP3 Files
Click on these links and, if your browser is connected to an MP3 player, you can hear all 10 tracks individually. Right-click on the links and you can download the tracks individually.