Here are some detailed stories of my early days in journalism (If you enjoyed this page you might also enjoy Schindler on Journalism).
Spring 1973: Washington Post Application Essay
Summer 1973: Oregon Journal Intern
Tales of the Cop Shop
I worked the morning police beat that summer. We filed by teletypewriter from the Police Station press room, a few blocks from the Oregon Journal newsroom. This is a sampling of my stories on my first two days
Oregon Journal Stories
First story, first byline, worst story (40% of Portland Police May Cheat On Wives)
My First UPI Byline
My first UPI byline came when I was a senior at MIT and my roommate, Norman Sandler, pulled fill-in shifts at the UPI Boston Bureau. I had covered the MIT Spelling Bee for the student newspaper. Sandler suggested that I write it up with the “how cute, engineers, spelling” angle, which I did. UPI headquarters liked it so much they asked for a byline which bureau manager Don Davis granted. Many newspapers ran the story the next day. And Davis remembered the story when he hired me a few months later.
Ironically I was competing with myself. I filed the second best, straight version of the story with AP, which went precisely nowhere. Can’t say for sure, but I think I was paid $5. Eventually. Which was more than AP paid.
Summer 1974 Associated Press
Early Days at the Associated Press Boston
My first 10 days at the AP, August 5-15, 1974. Not much news, other than Nixon resigning.
Wire Service Days
February 1975: UPI
My UPI Application Essay
UPI Hire/AP Wealth
October 1975: UPI Boston
Oops! Personal Message Filed On Client Wire
October 1975; Jack Griffin hits “file” instead of “delete,” and a flippant message I wrote about an injured woman moves on the AAA wire.
Spring 1976: UPI Hartford
Adjourning the Connecticut House so I could See My Girlfriend
June 1976: UPI Hartford
Failed Restaurant Review
I took my client editor/girlfriend to the Palace Restaurant in New York and tried to file a review. Bernie Caughey kicked my ass for trying.
October 1976: UPI Hartford
My UPI Resignation Letter
I followed my heart to SF to be with my girlfriend. My excuse was my contract to write Aspirin Therapy. Healion marked my personnel file, “Recommend Not To Rehire”
June 1978: Oregon Journal
PP&L Fires Newly Rehired Ex-President
1979-2001: CMP Work History
My CMP Work History