Things no one will ever do again: have a career in paid print journalism/radio news 2
November 17, 2024
(Continued from last week)
As for newspapers, I agree with the late great Texas journalist Molly Ivins: “I don't so much mind that newspapers are dying-- it's watching them commit suicide that pisses me off.” Newspapers are a dying breed, and since on-line revenues will never equal those from print, staffs (and thus opportunities) will continue to shrink.
Journalism schools now teach podcasting and video news, rather than television news. Are those full-time paid jobs? Not for most people. Yes, TV news still exists, but with vastly smaller staffs, mostly doing lifestyle and crime stories. They have the back pages down pat, just not the front page (in any serious way).
Journalists used to say we did it for the love, not for the money. Turns out love won’t buy you a cup of coffee.
Maybe we just turn back the clock and tell each other stories while we gather around the fire at night.