Torture Briefs
- Give the Republicans a day or so before they suggest leaving the U.N.
INTERVIEW-CIA probe must go to highest level-UN rights boss
Has it occurred to anyone yet that Dick Cheney is not complaining because he is worried about the nation but because he is worried about doing real hard time? - Breaking news: Cheney lies. Sun rises in east.
Big Surprise: Torture Memos Belie Cheney's Claims
Major journalistic outlets (with the exception of PSACOT) still generally asleep at the switch.
Cheney's Claims That Torture Worked? Huge News.Torture Docs Don't Prove This? Not So Important
Cheney Stops Trying
Another in a long series of Richard Cheney's lies exposed
Less training Than A Truck Driver - Olberman: Wilkerson on Torture
- Tortured Logic: The Long and Winding Goad
- Ashcroft v. Agency
- Illegal Evidence, Convictions, and Interrogation
- Top Bush Adviser Admits . . . . . Docs Did Not Prove Torture Works
- The Faces of Torturers
- Torture: The Real Reason
- When will The Post or The Times get around to some even handed reporting like this:
Mr. Cheney was unavailable for comment when a reporter for this newspaper called to inquire whether he had consulted counsel in preparation for an indictment on charges of torture, commission of war crimes, conspiracy to commit torture, and conspiracy to commit war crimes. - Intra-administration squabble
- Grand Jury Already?
- Experiment in Terror
- Cheney, facing prosecution and serious jail time, is wrong on the facts and wrong on the law
- We torture them for providing waterproof socks, apparently
Kennedy Briefs
Compare the editorials on Ted Kennedy in The New York Times and The Washington Post. The Times editorial sings, is pure Ted Kennedy, and puts a challenge squarely to Barack Obama; the Post editorial reads as if it were written by an intern or maybe just by a representative of an editorial page which has lost its focus and goal and connection to its roots.
The Times
The Post
The front pages also looked different. The Times gave everything above the fold to Ted with a full width headline and three articles.
The Post gave Ted one article above the fold, two stories below the fold, and he shared the top of the front page with a local high school story.
- The Cause Endures
- Vintage Ted Kennedy on Increasing the Minimum Wage
- Howard Dean on EMK
- Kennedy on Ashcroft and torture
- Ted Kennedy and Health Care
- Two Lions
- Look Who's Lying About Teddy
Health Care Briefs
- Poll on Health Care Bill
- "Reform" without Public Option: Insurers Profits and Revenues Soar (at taxpayer expense)
- California politician commits truth: Blue Dogs are Brain Dead , Owned By Healthcare industry
- Waxman to turn spotlight on insurance industry
- Netanyahu, Sensing Health Reform Failure, Rejects Obama's Mideast Proposals
- Health Insurers Winning Bonanza
- Who Are the 13 Senate Democrats Holding Out On the Public Option?
- Confusion about the Public Option
- Republicans trying to stop health care (and keeping American citizens healthy, strong, and secure) for at least 40 years.
- Michelle Bachman Holds A Town Hall
- The problem with Obama's approach to reforming health care (aside from the fact that he and Rahm appear to be doing their best to assure the pharmaceutical and insurance industries will have increased cash flow paid largely by taxpayer dollars, no competition, and no negotiation of lower prices) is that he is not explaining how his proposals will address and solve various issues with the system. Of course Barack may be unable to do so given the people/industries he apparently has been working to help. Here' show one doctor expressed his view: One Doc's View
- The New York Times drops the ball again.: Losing the Debate, One Misleading Front Page At A Time. Also The Senate Finance Committee, and time for a primary: Jim Cooper (D - Tenn.) "Wins" Friends and "Influences" People
- As a direct result of Pres. Obama's failure to follow PSACOT's reasonable and informed expert proposals over six months ago for financial regulation, the threat to the nation has increased.
Banks "Too Big To Fail" Grow Even Bigger - Fed audit
- In connection with the leak that Pres. Obama intends to nominate Ben Bernanke for a second term as Fed head, at least one observer thought, clearly mistakenly, that rewarding incompetence (leaving aside the Geithner aberration) ended when Obama took the oath of office on January 21 (that's right 21), 2009.
- About that new estimate of $9T deficit over 10 years (that's $900B per year or 70% of the current federal budget of $1.4T), here's one place to start saving money (easily $200B-$200B per year once considers there are very few realistic threats or well-equipped enemy forces requiring us to be prepared to fight WWII all over again on 2 fronts)
- Phoney EMP Pulse Threat
- How Much Money Will Be Wasted On The Siegelman Case?
- Ever wonder why Putin was so willing to grant Obama overflight/transit rights so he can keep on fighting as easily as possible logistically in Afghanistan? The Diminishingly Small Difference
- Sanders on Bernanke and Which Bernanke? Whose Bubble?
- Playing the Inside Game: A Cautionary Tale (tales of New Orleans). Also, Probe: New Orleans flood control pumps not reliable
- Potomac Man Drives Self-Converted Electric Car
- More on confused Christie - possibly he did not remember who he was supposed to be serving either. Note ex Karl Rove approved US Attorney for New Jersey, Chris Christie, now a candidate for Governor of New Jersey (and his running mate) both refer to US Attorneys serving the Republican and Democratic parties (or Presidents) and not serving the people and the only document they swore to serve and uphold - the U.S. Constitution.. More on Christie loan to government prosecutor in office overseeing Christie's activities
- Junk science murders
- Another 4th Amendment Violation?
- Wonkette finds a good way to ID the senior Bush:
GEORGE BUSH SR. SIMPLY WILL NOT ATTEND THIS FUNERAL: George H.W. Bush, an evil oil baron and son to a Nazi financier, will not make it to Ted Kennedy’s funeral in Boston Saturday, even though every other living president will be there. A spokesperson says that the old coot "feels his son’s presence would ‘amply and well represent’ the family Saturday."
- 8 long years and 807 soldiers lives into it and it finally occurs to the Chair of the JCS that US troops lack credibility in Afghanistan because the US has been acting like a bunch of hypocrites.