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June 30, 2007


John Hanzel

Norm, along with our The Tech teammates at MIT formed a bond with a very special "Visiting Lecturer", Edwin Diamond.

After his evening course on Thursday nights, a small group were invited to his apartment to share the week and wind down. He usually had a "media guru" of varying levels to talk with.

Ed published "The Tin Kazoo" in 1975. Norm, Paul Barb and many other MIT members are mentioned in his thanks.

He was a well-recognized media professor in NY, but did share his time with us.

Norm was key in helping Weisner meet his desire to expand the width of MIT beyond only science and engineering. He had the skill to talk with Ed, and let the rest of us know what Ed was saying.

When Ed was in Chicago for a signing event for "Behind the Times" he still remembered what we had shared:


"To: John

We had some (a lot) of good years together. Lets keep the Thursday night mystique going.
- Ed Diamond"


John Hanzel

Roger Goldtein

FON (Friends of Norm),
I am embarrassed and saddened that I only just now learned of Norm's passing. I think I saw an oblique reference in something in Tech review to "the late Norm Sandler" and it just caught me short. Having now read Paul's tribute and John's comments, I can only add that I recall Norm and the time we all spent on The Tech with great fondness. It's sad not only to lose someone who you thought of as a friend (and a talented one, at that) but also losing that incremental link back to a formative college endeavor like The Tech. Paul, thanks for providing a place to say something about Norm.

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