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June 30, 2007


Rita Isaacson Benowitz

Its been about a year now,
and I still find it hard to believe he's gone.I remember him from growing up in Des Moines-our families were friendly.Unfortunately,(or
not) lives go in different
directions,and visits home
don't coincide,so you lose
contact.The sad part is losing someone before being
able to reestablish contact.

Dick Sandler

Today would have been Norm's 55th birthday. It is hard to believe that he has been gone 15 months and I remember the day that I learned of his death as if it was yesterday. I think about Norm every day and even more today. He was more than just a big brother. I literally and figuratively looked up to him for his stature, accomplishments, worldliness and intellect. I always loved his stories and remember them fondly on a daily basis. Over the past 15 months, our family has had some major happy life cycle events, but they just weren't the same without Norm being there in person. He was clearly there in spirit and in our hearts. I miss him every minute of every day.

Paul Schindler

I'd like to echo Dick's comments. A month hasn't gone by since Norman's death that I haven't reached for the telephone because I wanted to talk to him... about Helen Thomas, or UPI, or politics, or Washington, or when he's coming back to San Francisco. There's a hole in my life where Norman used to be.

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